Property Management Blog

How To Prepare Your Rental For Winter

System - Tuesday, January 2, 2024

There are several responsibilities associated with being a landlord. Ensuring good maintenance throughout the year is one of the major obstacles faced by landlords.

Severe weather can damage a building's structure, endangering both your investment and the security of your tenants. That's why it's very important to adhere to safety regulations and have your rental ready for winter well in advance.

The professionals at KRS Property Management have prepared a winter property maintenance checklist to help you with the process. With this article you will be able to determine if your rental is prepared for the winter.

Reason to Winterize A Rental Property

By getting your rental property ready for winter, you can make sure that its foundation and other important systems can resist the damaging effects of the severe weather and low temperatures. Winterizing your rental property can also provide the following advantages:

  • Energy Efficiency: Winterization keeps heat from escaping the building, ensures that the heating system operates well, and lowers the need for repairs, all of which contribute to lower energy expenditures.

  • Tenant Satisfaction: If your rental property is properly winterized, your tenants will be cozy, toasty, and secure in the chilly winter months. This gives tenants a better rental experience and helps in long-term tenant retention.


  • Increased Property Value: Many tenants would be more than happy to pay more to stay somewhere warm and safe, and a rental property that has been properly winterized is more desirable.

  • Preventing Property Damage: By winterizing, you can avoid costly repairs to your property like frozen pipes or leaks.

  • Compliance for Local Laws: To avoid risks and guarantee tenant safety, several city ordinances mandate that rental buildings be appropriately winterized. 

  • Protection From Natural Disasters: The structure and essential systems of your rental may suffer damage from severe weather. Making sure your property is prepared for winter will assist you in identifying and addressing significant concerns before it's too late.

How To Winterize Your Rental Property?

It may sound like winterizing your rental unit demands a big effort on your part but the truth is, you only need to perform simple tasks. You may want to have a ready list of items you can go over each year to ensure nothing critical is forgotten. Doing this helps you prepare earlier since you already have a set list of tasks you can start doing.

Here are great tips you can practice to prepare your rental for winter:

  • Clean Up the Gutters: It's strongly advised to get a professional to clear your gutters of all leaves and debris as fall draws to a close. When the weather turns chilly, this can help keep icicles and ice dams from accumulating on overflowing gutters.


  • Examine the Water Heater: During the winter, a landlord's utility costs are typically attributed to water heaters. For this reason, before winter arrives, make sure your heater is operating properly. In order to save heat, you should always drain your water heater before the cold weather arrives and wrap it in insulation.

  • Reverse Ceiling Fans: When set to run clockwise, ceiling fans might be helpful during the winter. The fan will force all of the heated air below, improving tenant comfort and saving you money on heating.

  • Examine the Plumbing Fixtures: Dealing with frozen pipes is the last thing anyone wants to do. Get all the pipes in your rental inspected by a licensed plumber before winter arrives to make sure there are no issues or if replacements are necessary. To further protect the pipes throughout the winter, you can insulate them.

  • Watch for Signs of Roof Leaks: Inspect your roof for leaks before winter to prevent costly repairs. Look for water stains and daylight through the roof. Consider professional services for a thorough review and peace of mind.

  • Insulate Doors and Windows: During the winter, you can stop heat loss by investing in adequate insulation for your doors and windows. Not only will this make your tenants feel more at ease, but it may also lower your utility costs.


  • Install a Chimney Balloon: You have to think about adding a chimney balloon if the tenants don't utilize the chimney in the winter. Drafts and utility costs can be greatly reduced by doing this. It can also serve as a deterrent to keep pests from coming into your rental home through the fireplace.

  • Check the Heating System: Ensure a warm rental property by checking and maintaining the heating system before winter. Hire a professional contractor for inspection and service, replacing filters to ensure efficient operation.

  • Close Crawl Space Vents: It's critical to seal and insulate all screened air vents surrounding the building if your rental property contains a crawl space. By doing this, you'll keep the chilly air out and keep the crawl area warm enough for your property's vital systems, such furnaces and pipes.

  • Insulate the Basement and Attic: The rental property will become colder and the heating system will have to work harder to keep the temperature comfortable because the basement and attic are known for losing heat. In order to maintain the rental property comfortable and energy-efficient during the winter, make sure the basement and attic are sufficiently insulated.

  • Change the Air Filters: Dirty air filters can cause the system to operate less efficiently and result in higher heating costs. Set reminders to replace the air filters on a regular basis and replace them. Since thicker filters are typically made of higher-quality materials and last longer, it is recommended to invest in them. Additionally, premium filters offer your HVAC system superior filtration and protection.

  • Create a Winter Emergency Plan: Get ready for severe winter weather conditions, such power outages or snowstorms, by creating an emergency plan. Provide your tenants with a copy of the emergency plan and ensure that all required materials and equipment are readily available.


  • Plan for Snow and Ice Removal: It's important to have a snow removal strategy in place because snow and ice can lead to dangerous situations surrounding the rental property. To make sure that there is no snow or ice on the driveways, parking lots, and walks, think about getting a snow blower or hiring a snow removal service. 

  • Notify Tenants of Winter Maintenance: Advise your tenants of any necessary winter maintenance, including clearing snow from roads and pathways and maintaining a low enough temperature to prevent frozen pipes. 

Bottom Line

The secret to keeping your tenants satisfied and your house in good shape throughout the winter is to prepare it for winter. We've covered all of the essential tasks for getting your rental ready for winter in this post, such as clearing the gutters, caulking doors and windows, and inspecting the pipes.

Get in contact with KRS Property Management right now to find out more about how to maintain your property year-round! You can be confident that your rental will be well-cared for with our extensive property management services.